Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Man who dated a cockroach and had sex dreams about it says human girls are not as attractive as his cockroach lover

A Japanese man who dated a cockroach for a year, until it died naturally, has told of what their relationship was like and how he had sex dreams with her. He also added that human girls couldn't compare in beauty to his cockroach lover.
Yuta Shinohara is somewhat of a bug connoisseur in Japan where he’s made a name for himself in insect cuisine. He bought a cockroach from Africa and the insect became his girlfriend. He said she was 'the one' for him and he wanted her to ‘live forever’ within him.
So, when the cockroach died a year into their relationship (cockroaches have an average life span of one year), Yuta ate her so she will forever live in him.

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